I will continue my holiday.

I spent four lovely days in the Lake District where a relative of a friend of mine treated me to wonderful hospitality. Thank you Pat. She drove me all over the place on typical narrow, winding country roads. We visited 7 of the 11 ( I think it is) lakes. Each sight was more beautiful than the last. I do hope to go there again.
Then it was back to Gateshead and the Newcastle area for a few days there.

Then it was off to Northampton. My mother grew up there. She is now 93 but I had instructions to check out the house where she grew up and the infants school she attended. Too my surprise each was still there. The school swimming baths had a sign that said they were built in 1902 and they were in full use the day I was there in 2009! Good going.

I am finding it very difficult to get the photos placed where I would like them to be. So please bear with me. I will have to spend some time reading the help files and find out how to do it properly. So that's all for now. Next time will go to Cambridge, London and Stratford. I won'tpromise to up date sooner but I will try.
Great photos Mom!Thanks for sharing bout your trip, how about that regarding Grandma!
I love hearing about your travels. Lovely photos too.
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