It has been weeks since last writing. The days drift by, or sometimes rush, but with nothing of much consequence to inspire a post. Our weather has been very changeable and even though spring should be here I have had to resort to lighting my fire. Today though is lovely--sunshine and a bit warmer. A few days of this and the house will begin to warm up. Then I suppose I will be moaning because I am hot.
Yesterday I was able to get out and mow the grass/weeds out the back. (See the photo on last post.) I have an old, one of kind ride on mower. We bought it old and rusty for not much. Maurice rejuvenated it before he passed away. It makes life so much easier for me. It's name is "Jennifer's Jalopy".
I have been getting rid of excess furniture in anticipation of my move back to Busselton. I had thought to sell the items but I knew that the Lord wanted me to just give it away to someone in need so there is now a family enjoying what I no longer needed. This house seems a little empty now it is gone but I am glad to be making headway for when a place becomes available for me.
I haven't seen my family in quite some time so am beginning to miss them very much. I might manage to make a trip to Perth sometime toward the end of this month. December gets very busy for everyone so this month will probably be easier to catch some of them at home.
My holiday that I had to cancel earlier this year is now booked for May and June next year. The doctors still haven't figured out what is going on with me but the "turns" I had seem to be less frequent and not as bad so I thought I would just get on with the booking. I am waiting for results of a test to see if my adrenal glands are producing too much adrenaline. At the moment I just seem to have frequent headaches and pressure feeling in the veins up my neck. No doctor seems concerned or really wanting to listen to me so I'll just carry on. One step at a time.
Hope all of you who read this are well, happy and enjoying your life. By next I write we will most likely know the outcome of the US elections. Seems as if it has been going on for a very long time.
I'm so glad you've reinstated your holiday. I think that you'll have a fantastic time and it will be something that you will always be able to hold onto. A real treasured memory.
As for the US election, I think it's all one-way traffic to Obamaland!
I haven't been online much lately and have been wondering how you are feeling so I came to your blog today to get caught up on your life. I hope you are feeling better and will try to chat soon with you on yahoo chat.
Karen "Craftybear" Indiana, USA
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