19 December 2009

Another Few Days and It's Finished

Well my garden is finished except for the guys coming to take away their rakes and wheelbarrow and put up a final piece of lattice and a plant to hide the rubbish bins from view. They are so ugly! I am liking it very much. Have had the usual grumpy neighbour concerns that one has when living in such close quarters. i.e. How many times are they going to go back and forth in front of my door. Pardon me but the only way to get into my back yard is past her front door. I can't help that. I didn't build the place. Then I shouldn't allow them to park in the road in past the car ports. Cause it is a nuisance. This is from a lady that no longer has a car. Their trailer and car was parked so as not to be an obstruction to anyone driving through and if anyone wanted to enter the one parking bay obstructed other than mine, the vehicle would have been moved. Anyway, I guess we all live through it and maybe if I am very good I can retrieve my reputation as a good neighbour. Good thing I don't have loud, late parties.

Here are the finished pictures. Now to pay the bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'The pictures are a bit dark, especially the first one of the front garden , because it was getting on to dark.

13 December 2009

What a Difference a Day Makes

Well, together with some hard work! But, I must quickly add, not on my part. I am just paying! When I moved into my new little unit my back garden looked like this.

I decided to get it sorted out professionally. I am no gardener by any stretch of the imagination.After much thought, and trepidation (at the sheer expense of such a luxury) work began. All week things have been arriving at my place and yesterday morning (Sat) this was the view from my back door.

By 4pm there was a real improvement and it now looks like this. A few more finishing touches are needed--mulch, pebbles and a few more plants. Hopefully they will be done this afternoon.

And if anyone is wondering about the new addition, Gracie, well, I can assure you that she is living the good life as you can see.

14 November 2009

Newest Member of My Family

No. no! it's not a baby. It's a kitten. She just about as much work as having a baby around. Loves to play, jump and climb everywhere. I find myself saying, "No, don't, and get down" more than I have in years.

I adopted her from the vet's when she was six weeks old but due to my hectic schedule and pre planned travels they had to keep her for me until she was about 12weeks old. Gracie, as I have named her, settled in well and she has already learned to sleep on the spare pillow on my bed. Now travelling will get more expecnsive as I will have to put her in the cattery when I go away. Even if it is just to Perth for a couple of days. She gets too lonely at this point in time. As she is older I will be able to leave her.

Other than the new kitten life is progressing as usual. Very busy. Life in this retired lane is always busy and lots of time lonely. You wouldn't think those two things would travel well together but they seem to. Hard to explain how you can have time to be lonely if you are busy but take it from me, you can.

I am going to try to upload a couple of video clips from my camera so you can see the new addition.

Isn't she lovely?

19 September 2009


Something that I am good at. Each day I think of updating this blog and each day there is a really good reason why I don't get it done. The main reason is that I went visiting and left my camera behind so I don't have any up-to-date photos to support what I might feel like writing about.
Today I might let everyone know that I have moved into my own little place finally. I have been here about a month now and each day leads to being more settled and at h
ome. Today it was potting up a red chocolate cordyline. Now I have just read the name I know why I like it. I love chocolate! But in order to that I had to buy the plant, buy the pot, and buy the potting mix. AND because I am getting older and weaker I had to buy a trolley in order to get the backs of potting mix and soil improver round to my back garden. At least I will get a lot of use out of that now that there is no strong man around to do the lifting an
d carrying for me. Maurice, I miss you.

This shows my unit it is the middle one of three. This is before the new plant and also some pots and planting in the front as well as the addition of some solar garden lights. Now, if I just had my camera.

Trying to get all my furniture into this much smaller space was a real challenge. But my daughter Martha came to visit and helped me very much. We went shopping and bought a sofa bed instead of two stuffed arm chairs. We went armed with measurements as we knew just the size we needed so that it would open and miss the TV cabinet. We were successful and since I have had a friend visit for a week and a son for a weekend I can vouch for its comfort.

Also I am getting used to a new computer. I just had it playing a tune at me so something must be happening but I have no idea what! My son. Andrew, wanted to purchase a new MacBook so I offered to help by purchasing his old one. My laptop was full up and unable to take anymore memory due to its small processing chip. I am in heaven now with this one. Very fast and easy to use.Although I am sure I am trying Andrew's patience as I have questions each day to ask him.

I have adopted a kitten and should be able to get her on Oct 8th after I return from a trip to Adelaide for my brother's wedding. She is adorable. Grey with little white socks. I will take a photo when she arrives and maybe open my blog up to suggestions for names as I have no idea at this time what to call her. I am hoping her demeanor will help me.

This is my back yard. As you can see it is a blank canvas. Well, mow the canvas has a few more weeds showing through but I have no idea what to do with it. Gardening isn't my cup to tea and I am not sure I know how or have the strength even if I did know what plants to put in. Any suggestions, anyone out there.

I do hope you all come back and have a read and I am sorry to left it so long. I was totally amazed when Martha told me how many hits I had had. Maybe it was scammers! My love to you all.

28 August 2009

Where to Begin

I know, I know. I have been gone for ages. Now I don't know where to start. So much has happened since I did my first installment of my holiday. But for the up to date news you will just have to wait.

I will continue my holiday.

I spent four lovely days in the Lake District where a relative of a friend of mine treated me to wonderful hospitality. Thank you Pat. She drove me all over the place on typical narrow, winding country roads. We visited 7 of the 11 ( I think it is) lakes. Each sight was more beautiful than the last. I do hope to go there again.

Then it was back to Gateshead and the Newcastle area for a few days there.

Then it was off to Northampton. My mother grew up there. She is now 93 but I had instructions to check out the house where she grew up and the infants school she attended. Too my surprise each was still there. The school swimming baths had a sign that said they were built in 1902 and they were in full use the day I was there in 2009! Good going.

I am finding it very difficult to get the photos placed where I would like them to be. So please bear with me. I will have to spend some time reading the help files and find out how to do it properly. So that's all for now. Next time will go to Cambridge, London and Stratford. I won'tpromise to up date sooner but I will try.

01 July 2009


This is the barge that I stayed on in Ripon.

Back home again after a wonderful, restful holiday. I had such big plans of keeping my blog up-to-date while I was away but alas "the plans of man".... But that's another story. I think I will post a few days stories in order that I traveled around the U.K. So after my time at Lamplugh House I went to Scarborough on the Yorkshire coast for a night in a caravan. I was expecting a caravan as I know them but the park was full of only what they call "static" caravans.

We know them as park homes or cabins. Mike and Margi are friends of my brother and this was our first meeting. We had a fun time together. After a night in the caravan we went to Ripon where their home is a canal barge. Had never been on one before but Maurice and I had often dreamed of traversing the canals of Europe and England. But we never won Lotto! The birds and ducks were such characters. I know why ducks have their name. There were two that would come to the kitchen window for ---food.They would peck at the glass and bob their heads up and down---ducking!

We even went for a trip down the canal and through a lock. I liked that experience as I feel I understand a little better how they actually work.

This is the inside of the lock gate and the water is rising.

While at Mike's they drove me around and we visited, Whitby, York (where we had afternoon tea, actually lunch, at the famous Betty's Tearooms and Cafe), Harrogate (while there, I saw places where I had lived and my grandmother's house, and where I had worked in my 20's) Yes, I did used to be that young. Also went to Knaresborough and to Aysgarth Falls looking for the spot where my granddad and I posed for a photo when I was about four. Also went to the Railway Museum in York. That was very interesting. Saw the old steam engines, royal coaches and carriages and also saw the Mallard which still holds the speed record for steam engines. It apparently only reached the record speed for 21/2 seconds I think it was before the engine blew up and it had to be towed back to the railway yards. It certainly gave all it had to give. I was with Mike and Margi for a week before going on the Lake District. Will tell you about that part in the next installment.

18 May 2009

My Holiday

Picture from www.kingdomfaith.com/yorkshire

Well Folks, I am having a wonderful time here in the UK. I have been here one week and one day. And it has been pretty busy. Arrived in Newcastle after a very long journey but everything went smoothly and right on time. I enjoyed flying with Emirates. |Peter and Margaret were waiting for me at the airport and then we boarded my first English train for a trip to their suburb. The area we travelled in looked depressed but that is usual for the area where trains run no mattter where you are in the world. On Monday I felt a little jet lagged so we just stayed at home and rested. The next day we took the train into the city centre and I shopped. There is more goods to choose from here than I find in Australia. I had to buy a LARGE handbag as the one I had wasn't big enough for all the bits and pieces I couldn't get in my luggage. And to all of those who knew about my struggle with luggage weight in the end Emirates increased their allowance on May 4th to 30kgs. so all the clothes I left at home, I could have taken!! Drat. I am finding it hard to find souvenirs so I may not bring much home with me.

I met Maurice's sister Norma and her husband Albert. They were lovely and kind to me, even giving me a small cash gift to "Help you on your way. lass." I was touched. I will be seeing them again as I have family questions I want to ask and it didn't seem right the first time we set eyes on each other.

I find the houses are very small and compact here. Except at this time I am sitting in an old manse which has three floors an a dormer attic and bedrooms by the dozen. I have been here for a residential healing conference and it has blown my mind seeing God work in so many lives in a miraculous way. My mind has been stretched as to what is possible with God. I am a little in awe as I know that He will expect me to use the new knowledge that he has entrusted me with and I am not sure what avenue that will take. But all things are possible for God and I know I only want to do what He wants me to do.

Today is my last day here. The countryside is beautifully green interspersed with yellow rape seed fields, which I think is our canola. I have been for long walks. Tomorrow I am being picked up by friends of my brother and going to do some driving/ sightseeing. Whitby Abbey, York, Leeds, Harrogate and Ripon. Then I will go on to the Lake District. I came here to Scarborough by the Trans Penine Express Train and after the Lakes I will go back to Newcastle by train from Carlisle. Getting very proficient on these trains but they are a quick and cheap way to travel.

Must go as I have been using this computer for a long time now. I don't know when I will have access again. I am hoping to copy and paste a picture from the web of the house I am staying in.

03 May 2009

More Information

Just want to give a little more information for those of you who are interested in my situation. Where I am living. It is a large camping ground for people on low incomes. That was part of the conditions of the lease that was given many years ago. A gentleman gave a huge parcel of land to all the churches and non profit groups for them to provide places for people to holiday. There are all the main line churches, boy and girl scouts, Scripture Union, Legacy (war widows) provided for. Now after 99years peppercorn rent the council wants to reclaim this property as it is prime ocean front land and will recoup much money. Anyway our church has a campground. It contains about 28/30 trailers. Some are privately owned and others belong to the church. There is a large girls and boys dorm, a campers kitchen and a large dining room. These were used for school camps etc. Not so much anymore as this type of thing has gone out of fashion. Our church sometimes uses the dining room for large dinners and get- togethers.

I am about a two minute walk down the sandy path (that was in my last post) to the beach. I can't see or hear it from where I am situated. It is very quiet here. Only the caretaker and one other resident in a van across the grass from me. It is of course full up with tents and campers at holiday time and week ends often see people coming to their vans for a break from the city life.

All in all it is a blessing to be here. My picture today-- Nothing on the horizon but a little sailing ship. How do you feel when there in nothing on your horizon. A bit deflated. It is always good to have something you are looking forward to. But remember Scripture tells us that God knows the plans he has for us. So someone bigger than me knows what in on my horizon and He knows what's on yours as well. So don't feel discouraged be encouraged.

27 April 2009

What to Write?

I find that it is very difficult to come up with something that I think would be interesting for people to read. I guess because I worry about people's opinion. Wrong thing to do. I know, I know. I should just do whatever I think I will and if people don't want to read it they don't have to.

On a personal note: Life is jogging on and the days are passing. I am still in the caravan and trying to be patient while waiting for somewhere permanent to live. I do get frustrated with the squashyness of the van. Seems as if one is always bumping into things and can't find a home for much. I tell myself not to be upset by this as the unit I get probably won't have anymore room than I have now. Hopefully it will be a bit better planned. I feel a need to just stride about from room to room.

Soon I will be leaving for England. Two weeks from now I will be there! I am getting excited and now comes the hardest part. Trying to know what to pack and for that not to weight too much. I am a women you know. That means wanting shoes and bags and clothes for every eventuality! No can do. I have to pack in under 20kgs and the suitcase seems heavy all by itself. I will need to layer clothes as England doesn't know whether it is cold or warm at the moment.

My picture today is of the sand track down to the beach. In the background is the ocean.

03 April 2009

This is the Life

What a lovely day it is today here in Busselton, West Australia. The sun is shining and the temperature is just" perfec" as they would say in The Darling Buds of May. I just watched an old episode of that show on tv and only realised now the a young Catherine zetta-Jones was the beautiful young daughter!

I went for a stroll on the beach and as you can see from the picture I had the whole place to myself apart from a couple of seagulls. So blessed. How many parts of the world can you have a whole beach to yourself. And I was in complete safety. No worry about muggers, bombs or any of the other horrible things that go on in the world.

11 March 2009

Health Report

So that I don't have to tell the story many times. I thought I would use my blog on the theory that people actually read it!! I hope.

Yesterday I had my appointment with the specialist in Bunbury in oreder to receive the results of all the blood tests to find out the cause of the saga of the inflamed blood vessels in my head. Well, it didn't help. All the test results came back negative. Two tests weren't done by the lab so I had to have more blood drawn to complete them, and one test is still pending. After one month I would have thought my blood sample would have died a death! The doctor could find no neurological fault with me. So next step. She will send all my info and request an appointment with a neurologist in Perth. Seems that they sometimes drill burr holes in the head to do a biopsy. The drugs used to treat this are cancer treatment drugs so she doesn't want to use them if she can get away without as they are hard on the body. Apparently,vasculitis is an auto immune disease. Very rare. Trust me to have something rare. I must say that the symptoms are seeming to decrease so I am praying that it will finally just fade away.

Maybe my blurry eyesight is all due to my forming cataracts and nothing to do with my head problem. But I don't see the eye doctor until I get back from England.

Anyway, I am not getting worse so I am sure the Lord is looking after me and still has stuff that he wants me to accomplish. Like moving!

07 March 2009


I forgot to take my camera so picture comes from cafe-grendel.blogspot.com

Well, today, Saturday, was a lovely day here in the Southwest so after lunch Renee and I took a little drive to Simmo's Ice Creamery. Absolutely beautiful, peaceful surrounding in the garden. Off to the right a young girl's birthday party was in progress. A gaggle of 20 kids or so of all ages. They were having fun on the playground equipment and having a wonderful time on the carousel. It is nice to know that such a thing still exists and the horses still go up and down as faithful parents feed the slot with money so they can go round and round. Although these days I am sure the machine in much more hungry than in my youth!

And what did we oldies do there!? Double cones, what would you expect. We have reached a wise old age when we know that one scoop is definitely not enough! I had Ferrero Roche and Irish Cream. Renee had Irish Cream and Vanilla Berry Swirl. These were simply lovely. After that I took us to see the lake at Gunyulgup Galleries where Maurice and his friends used to sail their little sailboats. It is still a lovely lake and when I get unpacked I will return with some of his ashes. I think he would like that.

04 March 2009

New Chapter

This is my new home complete with screened patio and room for my little red car.

This is the kitchen

the lounge room

I did have all sorts of problems getting my pictures where I wanted them. There must be an easy way that I don't know. Clicking and dragging didn't really work. Very hit and miss.

Well I owe my readers an apology. It has been so long since I have posted. My main reason is because I am suffering from inflamed blood vessels in my head and it is causing my eyes to be very blurry and thinking is very difficult. I am hoping to see the doctor finally next week and get some treatment. This is the culmination of a years sickness so I do hope and pray that it is coming to an end.

Anyway to my New Chapter. I have finally taken the plunge and moved. My lease in Augusta was up for renewal and I decided that I wouldn't renew it but come back to Busselton where Maurice and I lived before moving to Augusta 3 years ago. Life was very lonely there without him and I didn't want to have to do all the mowing or chopping wood for the winter anymore. The state housing authority, on whose list I have been for 4 years tells me that I am nearing the top to their list so it shouldn't be too long before I get offered a place to live. All of that prompted me to pack up my belongings. A friend had a friend who had an empty garage so I was able to store my things there. My old church in Busselton has a campsite on the beach front that has several caravan/annexes on it and I have been allowed to live in one of them for the duration. It is a lovely spot. Once again the Lord is looking after me as the caravan I am staying in was just donated for the camp to use 2 weeks before I needed somewhere and it has its own toilet and shower so I don't have to make trips to a toilet block in the middle of the night.

I am as comfortable as can be and the beach is only a very short walk away. I imagine I will be here until I get back from my trip to England in May/June.

I have been here for just over one week now. Went to church on Sunday and it was so nice to be welcomed back so warmly. You feel that the love and concern is genuine.

My only sadness is that I had to leave next door's cat, who thought she was mine, behind. As this strip where I am living is a Class One Nature Reserve and no pets are allowed. I am sure that cats being cats she will be fine. She will simply go back home and get fed!

I am eagerly looking forward to what the Lord has for me in this new season in which I find myself. I really want to do what He has for me to do. In these perilous times it is important that we know the security that we have in a BIG God who is quite able to see us through whatever we face.

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19